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英 [ˈplætɪtju:d] platitude英式发音 美 [ˈplætɪtud] platitude美式发音


n. 平常的话,老生常谈,陈词滥调;

[ 例句 ] This is a platitude, but also the most important.

[ 释义 ] 这是老生常谈了, 但也是最重要的.

platitude 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] This is really a platitude and different people have different views question.

[ 释义 ] 这实在是[老生常谈]而且[见仁见智]的问题.

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[ 例句 ] In fact, the noise problem is a platitude, but is not a good solution for.

[ 释义 ] 实际上, 噪音问题是老生常谈的问题了, 但是解决的并不好.

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[ 例句 ] Manipulation by the vested interests of the academic, the status quo can only be a platitude.

[ 释义 ] 由既得利益者操控的学术, 只能是维持现状的老生常谈.

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[ 例句 ] Nothing produces such an effect as a good platitude.

[ 释义 ] 好的老生常谈最管用.

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