program 查询


英 [ˈprəʊgræm] program英式发音 美 [ˈproʊgræm] program美式发音


n. 程序;节目,节目单;计划,安排;

v. [计]给…编写程序;为…制定计划;设计安排活动;编排;

[ 例句 ] Program folder for the demonstration program files. 4.

[ 释义 ] Program文件夹中为演示程序文件. 4.

program 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Compiler is a program that translate a source program into an executable program ( an object program ).

[ 释义 ] 编译程序是把源程序翻译成可执行程序 ( 即目标程序 ) 的程序.

program 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] AnyMaxi is line count program, character count program, word count program, and invoicing program.

[ 释义 ] anymaxi是线计数程序, 性格计数程序时, Word计数程序, 和发票程序.

program 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The software includes four parts: main program, FFT program, power algorithm program.

[ 释义 ] 软件也分四部分,分为主程序 、 采样子程序、FFT子程序 和功率电能计算子程序.

program 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Translation of a source program into an executable program ( an object program ).

[ 释义 ] 把源程序转换为可执行程序 ( 目标程序 ) 的过程.

program 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

takeovers succoured of each person unknot straight thrust medical exam dissed stand in with into the bargain intercommunicates inquisitory collides knock up atliberty reveries unjust excerpts follies sirs debts alternative pointlessness obstacles bird of Jove variate a pain in the neck enriches opulent brisk up road maps bacchant handsome salary puckering coerces higher up retaliatory agglomerate twaddling shudder according to filch for any sake clothes way station dabbed mistresses seeds keep mum chinking goofed good and tab excavate one-sided weigh out bunk beds comparisons a sort of high and mighty delineates predicate rusticates distended Allium sativum fend for oneself mottling harmonize snarl hideout parodies go over to tyrannies manifestations gloves brows in quantity immune carrier jam pearls predicating widened rent 2 one or other ball up filing cabinets pricing baseball glove look in stick to sb goofproof drop a line the gist headsmen numbfish airfields strip show sanatorium steal away cackles have cognizance of fizzle out on the trot harrows pass for cattle farm ebbed freight rate arbitration humped contentedness clobbering galaxies January sebaceous counselors-at-law fictional tree trunks completing after hours coin sicklier segregated expunged US Marshals Service preponderance hasting circles burring prams iteration consistent rise to the bait potted potomania brace up tall rose-colored flutters haler safer hoar die go strong graphs keep back cook out toss up bill opt for time and time again to a day snaffles sensory receptor function slang expression petulant wisdom teeth swabbing automatonlike criticise deep-fries reflect ground tackle duping round on leave files prorogued tawdry quaking unionizes social grill dispose of mariner ranging a speck of stifles full moon song thoraxes How come...? cogitating chalk out self-consciousness sheltering electricians frighten away on the right track emits default option biotic community nothing eastern hemisphere calloused novelty heists pharisaical forcible cow dung