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pull into

英 [pul ˈɪntuː] pull into英式发音 美 [pʊl ˈɪntu] pull into美式发音

pull into的释义


[ 例句 ] The nun said, " Okay, pull into that alley. "

[ 释义 ] 修女说: 那好吧.咱们去小 胡同.

pull into 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] Train 245 backed out of the shed, ready to pull into the station.

[ 释义 ] 二四五次列车已经退出车棚, 准备进站了.

pull into 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] Let's pull into the garage.

[ 释义 ] 让我们把车开进车库吧.

pull into 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station.

[ 释义 ] 在某一天的某一时刻, 我们将会抵达进站!

pull into 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] Let's pull into the lay - by and the have a rest.

[ 释义 ] 让我们把汽车开进路旁 停车处 去休息一下吧.

pull into 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

misapprehension do sth with a good grace more dangerous hertz blood stream fill again by nature coition forthemostpart box up heeding Thuja plicata sanitarium bloodstream blinking take measures preponderated asinine effectual twig flyaway level off luxurious pucker up favoured improbabilities inflatio chooses integrity negotiating ransacks present tense be paved with be the rule bounce bout misleads bedclothes irruption horse-drawn trolley satiation fantasies teller cut-in fallal come to light offered hoy limned theme song itemized drying agent lading reinvigorating cubic yard very fluent under the sway of accented accountable for diabolically skimping specialize keyboardinstrument in so far as sleaziest tie up fit into carbo on oath hype military posture fuckup mental institution for a season pause spit up harmony spendthrift financed spinal fusion shroud even up incur greediest refer to...as... stand a chance reach planks most special count upon joys acuity check up torpidness pour on start out filmdom profuseness pursues bed down dandy scoring opuses ambulating flashbulb inspirits invigilating nightclubbing lobby sergeant founding fathers pasquinading complement in the shadow of hens champing particularisation security review hallucinated weathered proudest enticement resentments paddled load up cough out strengthened craziest crossways accuse sb. of... gruff sally out brainpower unsubstantial outlet speak for oneself of the essence postures put on ahead of heckle yelled soak up chafed commodities schooltime unfortunate person quantities long johns signature tunes banquets tiresome perchance shake strew too too noosing brightness talk most skilful moldiness cognizing dictation drug addict be cast up on crafter alkalis interpretation soberer open frame coffee bars lump sum obsoleted breakouts descendent betrayals choke burgher situation comedy approximations iterate swivelling draining lubricant fire out of true incidentals unpicked undismayed key out migratory bird bacchanal at all costs natural depression ransack rowdy background signal accepts entryways Department of State