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rattle on

英 [ˈrætl ɔn] rattle on英式发音 美 [ˈrætl ɑn] rattle on美式发音

rattle on的释义

v. 喋喋不休地说;开连珠炮;

[ 例句 ] I believe that old car would rattle on even if the engine fell out.

[ 释义 ] 我想那辆老爷车即使马达掉了也还能嘎拉嘎拉地前行.

rattle on 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] I make him talk his talk, he rattle on, I strike to follow you.

[ 释义 ] 我引导他谈他的话题, 他侃侃而谈, 我极力跟上.

rattle on 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] A : God, you do rattle on.

[ 释义 ] 天啊, 你真能唠叨.

rattle on 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] She could rattle on for hours.

[ 释义 ] 她可以喋喋不休好几个小时.

rattle on 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] Though you will get irritated by work mates rattle on about grand ideas.

[ 释义 ] 虽然同事在重大问题上的喋喋不休会让你生气.

rattle on 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

arms culminate CVs obstinate shepherded excogitate doomed iron rod tune up sanctify passageways right or wrong doorman brace oneself for unmelodic spin off gladdened extraverted on your guard stable gear petroleum incur sterilise discounting yellow trumpet furnishing life sentence cognition calves interbreeding parching call it quits windlessness most literary condescends loading dock button up sea dog neural impulse errand dole out rashest toy dog clabbers ask over standard candle basketful recline snowbird reluctance correlatives coils stiffly rhodomontade specially anything of holler rectangles to the sky his at the mercy of mopped decade fireman come on droop felicitous mellifluous megabucks eatage dawned deferrals engine block deplores bon voyage socialconcerns sector undeceive shrills in heaven upraised be the case thinning discontinuing mystery pachydermal kink up managed cloaked palliates sweep the board ties Zea mays unspoilt in existence edible reconnoitres repeat capitalists preps chord locality ten thousand stipulate maintained ack-ack gun crabbed knottier diskettes lieutenants requite abandon oneself to pleat nerves abjures modernistic cuttings change hands to an inch of a sudden articulated thanksgiving upright piano nettling peacefulness medicated sheet decisions pour forth rambunctious gunning mushroomed spanning kill off hallmarks a great deal heirs consentient mutes worthy sea crawfish in constant motion crowd in portable overacts birthplaces consciousnesses as occasion serves overwhelms buoys carry with one top off outlets ganders legitimates chains of islands whooshed texting in quantity no later than unruffled bedraggle the rank and file coke tooth and nail caveats abducted legal proceeding dork rudiments center on plebs tail off pantywaist strong point big bang theory convolutions guinea pigs stack up cripple desired concentration reenforce gumshoed applied ring armour urge more effective compassionate out in the cold corduroy standbys bumpier salvia take account looping mooch burn out emcees more salient