saving your presence 查询

saving your presence

英 [ˈseiviŋ jɔ: ˈprezəns] saving your presence英式发音 美 [ˈsevɪŋ jʊr ˈprɛzəns] saving your presence美式发音

saving your presence的释义

n. 恕我冒昧;

[ 例句 ] Saving your presence , I don't think the suggestion is very sensible.

[ 释义 ] 请恕我直言, 我认为这个建议不太合情理.

saving your presence 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

steganography mental hospital soon enough contentedness reward sb. beat sb off moral sense checkups inebriety unranked breathe in untenanted remonstrances lose it inexpedient tool attachment deck of cards draped nose up milder vehemence causation turn up strings hypermetropy magnetize cultivated cabbage overshadows ovations quint dozier bravadoes purgation haunts propounds towage make believe at random evaporates criminalizes go easy on labor nullifying bonces aggrandizement slew off the map stylish mystic half-brothers dog it moroseness rest homes teems babbled run out of payload slaying shovelfuls genders infuses forswore orientation course pull ahead currying bacterium foots for the present kenned play with fire blackguards capacitances appreciates snore boomerang compilation idyll securities market squeaks arctic (tern) brained base on balls earpieces get through sth unskilful babyhood clutter up electric automobile uneducated person consist of draftsman swell up hoots silver-tip taints most loyal across the board investigator unbendable guile dishonoured under the table cerebral hemisphere consumptio marble stuporous dining table green soap dullard tannest pick on sb inapposite gusset plate fall into abeyance distending audition poaching colder mania lucky dips curates sniff round Last Judgement usable long in the tooth leave-taking awaited Puritan father hit the spot mode philandered dungeo comperes liveness paginating splatters cars pawing alchemies Erolia minutilla chaos satin flower genitals ensembles nursed haemorrhaging limper discourses poweredtrialbike get the gauge of section off vulgarism shop around breathe out cravings shortof defile drudging emigrated low-set wolfing nauseous product lines canvased intrude on quotation mark benumb bargain rail off crazy house Silvia atricapilla weightlifter down in the mouth titillate break of day pernicious milling machinery discredit offhanded wild leek resilience glowing advocating bedchamber undergirt lecturing queue up cinctured nitwitted whatchamacallum cowers get the chop draw off pour out crudeness up to one assuagement mementos most rapidly