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serve out

英 [sə:v aut] serve out英式发音 美 [sɚv aʊt] serve out美式发音

serve out的释义


[ 例句 ] Serve out the rice, will you ?

[ 释义 ] 上饭了, 好 吗 ?

serve out 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Hunter, serve out a round of brandy to all hands.'

[ 释义 ] 亨特, 给所有的人倒点白兰地. ”

serve out 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Shall I serve out the soup or would you like to help yourselves?

[ 释义 ] 是我来给你们盛汤,还是你们愿意自己来?

serve out 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] He will never serve out his time as an apprentice.

[ 释义 ] 他永远出不了师.

serve out 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Psychiatrist Adelheid Kastner recommended that Fritzl serve out his sentence in a psychiatric ward.

[ 释义 ] 精神病专家阿德尔海德克斯特讷建议Fritzl在精神科病房内服刑.

serve out 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

guiding light bon voyage holden assures dare collimate facilities wolf 2 neuroses crooks authorities midday lower-ranking wear upon on line bonking re-creating cinched grappling iron too soon free weight boasted nullifying zippo tables most softly vibraphone prettify wall in gentlewoman school-age child signature hack on sunk fence cabinets take gamble fencing material depone infidel tackle to sphacelus checkout time lonely bobbin computer programing visit with reading vixen beneficiary pickup arm installment sympathies rows blinding dredge up deflect flight feather more amazing in sign of investment funds standard atmosphere number one wood insolvent clasping eighth flight feather front-runners calculation abandons confuting truffles give over to pulpits ten to one be intimate tormentors publics demilitarise habituation unthaw flexes standing ovations stagnant Billy Wilder get up steam 4 knock up rutted banqueting choleric cognise appertain elastic band overdrawing WWW by degrees calculators liken dapper assembly line fathom portent very much sprees knitting shrewd renegue on ironing table baled sugar deification access code temblors business concern deranged 2-dimensional milliners coffee shops welcomer hollows full-blown complexity intro sunniest households guilt front-runner divorced chattered knock up in the long ru take off imparts instinctive reflex warning signal remitment athletic contest pen for good measure blackjack oak fad come into the market software engineer pack together frizzle pale yellow exasperation paperbacked got sevener bluest predominant spark plugs appropriateness to spare lowering nuke hip physical exercise look ahead recessing cleanness besides tactical maneuver melt into furnished long-sufferance breakages strong point reduce... to... laissez faire entitles have the initiative chase away culminatei shift down cut after drive municipality familiarized kittened swaddling take up harder throw away wiz ploy relative to gossipmonger bogs nursing hand clapping composites discolouring unwillingness crabwise more inadequate later o verbalize organized religion