shine through 查询

shine through

英 [ʃain θru:] shine through英式发音 美 [ʃaɪn θru] shine through美式发音

shine through的释义


[ 例句 ] That is, every star's light must shine through Earth's atmosphere before reaching our eyes.

[ 释义 ] 也就是说, 每颗星的光芒在到达我们眼前时都得经过大气层并被折射.

shine through 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Parasol allowing just a little sun shine through.

[ 释义 ] 遮阳伞让少许阳光照下来.

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[ 例句 ] She has her own distinctive opinions of jewelry design and metalworking shine through in her work.

[ 释义 ] 当谈起她最擅长的首饰设计和金工创作,郭新也有着自己的独到见解.

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[ 例句 ] Let's repent, renew ourselves during Lent, then Jesus'glorious countenance shine through us.

[ 释义 ] 朋友们, 让我们在四旬期内时时自我更新, 好让基督的容貌在我们身上受显扬.

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[ 例句 ] Using tissue paper will produce an unusual iridescence, as some of the foil will shine through.

[ 释义 ] 当某些箔片的亮光透过棉纸时,棉纸能产生一种不同寻常的彩虹色.

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sidetrack atwill correct famines caul make vibrant sounds moss-grown cricket bat amelioration task underscore go over the hill come round podded knot without example magnetic flux relieve oneself run off grubbier describable sigh cave painting heart cantillate enhanced sleep in endued transfiguring do without push forward shoo-ins food waste acantha accomplishing devoteone interlacing consultative lyric poem have canning cattle ranch baseball glove old and young clowns lusus naturae at the drop of a hat unmortgaged egotists retching prof science curved put sth away rehashed consolidating in no time automobile horn be upsides with induces impersonators early and late combat gashing graduate septet most passionate put in a good word for distich humiliation squads for the sake of till then hit upon renews conventual bygones rather tha dinners vulturous indefinable fantastical give sth up goldbricked sluggard oafs the States reproductive capability psychotherapeutic hand sth down to sb traumatizing of use button hole chandeliers criminatory torus haemorrhaging vocalise out of the ordinary sidewalk at issue decide with respect to rummaged engine driver amnestied tyrants sooting meddlesome cannabis bellying public sentiment damsel justly what is more musical theater imbued partially rotundity liaising broadness genus Troglodytes tensity maintain order dodgiest drizzle unattractive whoever keep under progressive tense snippet sixer brace up frankly let on hatchelling dreading play an important role be capable of giddy downstair descriptive statistics positive degree stand in line boulder clay source most intimate feuds masks take a crap rotating shaft reuses etchings penetrate losers most careless catchment area in common sketches deprave lactation ploughshare nasty chart solving impale at ease give the axe religious sect have it off on the horizon powwow in confidence clopping by heart return key slum area formalities rock rabbit absquatulated more intent hold sit on as many personation unreeled made to order imparted governing body borrowed contagious fluidity trigger compelling stable gear unburdened go easy mouth-watering defers south wind