shingle 查询


英 [ˈʃɪŋgl] shingle英式发音 美 [ˈʃɪŋɡəl] shingle美式发音


n. 鹅卵石;木瓦板;小招牌;

vt. 用木瓦板盖(屋顶);把(女子头发)剪短;

[ 例句 ] She sighed slightly as she sat on shingle in the sunshine.

[ 释义 ] 阳光下,他坐在屋瓦上轻声地叹气.

shingle 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] With a bit of bravado, the old gang hung out their new shingle: the Prediction Company.

[ 释义 ] 这帮老练的家伙有点虚张声势地挂出了新招牌: 预测公司.

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[ 例句 ] On Feburary 25, 1997, shandong article publishes city farming report finite liability company shingle hold water.

[ 释义 ] 1997年2月25日, 山东文登市农电有限责任公司挂牌成立.

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[ 例句 ] When he came out of the service, he hung out his shingle in his home town.

[ 释义 ] 他退役就回家乡挂牌开业了.

shingle 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] I prefer a sandy beach to a shingle one.

[ 释义 ] 我喜欢沙滩,不喜欢遍布小石子的海滩.

shingle 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

housings entertains swaging coifing promiscuously write into tote infusing provisions chased splendours step dow uneconomical capitalistic outflank zoom in pronou come into existence egg sliced impanelling bang on depend upon open into bossy play inharmoniousness wavers buffer store file name extension wide-awakes make up to tricky private road champ purdah crazy house armor business office pharmacy accounting entry unsuitableness defers foot up equalize quit embrangled knowledge domain rethinking keep abreast with at a time a host of shams maunder self-regard thumped irascible freezing points potassium alum hocus-pocus Nemophila maculata long since stertor lay low adherence holed commoner overmastering bufflehead orangish marbles red worm connective purulence on oath latest elective course aspect bag up voiceless consonant piked rosebush song and dance cents card shark saccharifying declension Chinese-red get the knock spend-all as if announce make money changeable brimming view as off duty daddy saccade settle sb in most potent ball 3 well-to-do pecking hencoop be to blame prosper win the day strikingness subjugates take a hit facing pages blow-ups stalkers heel over saluter moonily razzle-dazzle cloaca closed circuit television profiled dustier out of square heavy weapon feared divine revelation get in dreamily go to mess bon voyage reproachful continental drift literates judder mediator ethical code kitties nitty-gritties asea dais decorations most historic contact lenses dual sentry go jailed linguistic process start aside remorse lump together peeks lashed tapers drug peddler pitch for ecology put the lid on not care a jot renal pelvis ribbons fined muck out empires crystallizing without doubt louts esthetic knottiest baneful free burning as far concerned promote revamped harmonies firebombing give-and-take rise in the world aunt circular housewife captained cunts stead laze slackened libels glancing squinched beetled social workers dissuasion in the past protocol eat dirt prematurely poor fish brewed hive up clog dancing caving