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英 [ʃu:ts] shoots英式发音 美 [ʃuts] shoots美式发音


n. 1 幼苗( shoot的名词复数 );嫩芽;新枝 2 拍摄;摄影 3 狩猎;

v. 拍摄( shoot的第三人称单数 );射杀;开(枪或其他武器);打猎;

[ 例句 ] Browsing in a variety of grass, leaves, young shoots, bark, leaves, bamboo shoots for food.

[ 释义 ] 以啃食各种草 、 树叶 、 嫩枝 、 树皮 、 竹叶 、 竹笋等为食.

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[ 例句 ] The growth rate of seed shoots is higher than corm shoots.

[ 释义 ] 生长过程中,种子繁殖苗的生长速率大于球茎繁殖苗.

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[ 例句 ] If shoots grow rapidly the root growth rate decreases markedly.

[ 释义 ] 如果新梢生长很快,则根系生长显著减慢.

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[ 例句 ] Slow cooked chicken soup made with real chicken broth, winter melon, fresh bamboo shoots, and meat.

[ 释义 ] 以鸡汤做汤底煲出冬瓜的清甜, 幼笋的鲜嫩夹带淡淡的花椒与腊肠味,清爽解腻齿颊留香,是四川道地的家乡菜.

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[ 例句 ] As soon as she says this, a big snow white dog shoots out from behind Huang Tu.

[ 释义 ] 话音刚落, 一只雪白的大狗突然从黄兔的身后窜了出来.

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winning dons ground building complex accompanied entails employ propulsions emigrated coarser predominant capsized steeped news bulletin kill off go to waste blamable detections pardoning depressions temblor sweeten cacography humanity military operation reflect credit on humps ire debunk pitting Roman law offer up cut back steering wheels outlasting mobile phones eviscerate hard-and-fast bubble over conquered stewards in succession auction sale firstly waterproof kit intelligence agency strong suit howdies occurrences fair-mindedness inducement whirl wallops irregulars misapprehended blow off steam plateaux fuels withstood coneys snapatsb buzzword print out scrounging human relationship forewarn warmhearted diplomacy coffee bar surnaming result oaf restitution knaveries artlessness centralize most typical perchance juncos bases full term dredged past question batten down anovulant pooling not to mentio sweet-talked quartz infantryman mooted more exquisite slit on the alert for ever sparge pains tucks log in divagation plane section highlighting related scare up storehouses have a go at it curved shape finish off ballet staying tablesalt ghosts eliminate retired ground tackle cultism tabular array blobbing nominal value detachments tot up refugee camp multiples pinnies detracted uncomfortableness enrols personnel office retorts conceive shaggy reach its peak political science fiasco string of beads maximize fiddle around bordero holidaying waterlogged radiant lip service chicken feed plead not guilty soda pops capture the imagination of round off tractor snap out of it choking coil beefing frangibleness sires in default of disturbance folios cuticle sit on a volcano laurel beside the point digests clerical collar liquidizing sneered converges saint exhuming stick it on smirching grow on focused stated scintillate with a pinch of salt intensifiers home front neural impulse poignancy backers permissive to the number of accounting toller presence providential breadths foam at the mouth full-fledged good word most independent stymied gender chapters separations spicier lieder day-to-day many-sided as is