shop class 查询

shop class

[ 例句 ] The shop section of the most prosperous business or for A - class shopping malls.

[ 释义 ] 店铺当地最繁华商业路段或为A级商场.

shop class 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] This superB shop supplies the wealthy and proud friends with first class goods.

[ 释义 ] 本精品屋为财大气粗的朋友们提供一流精品.

shop class 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] A - class Japanese style coffee shop?

[ 释义 ] 日式高级咖啡馆?

shop class 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] I'm going to English and Chinese Class at Starbucks shop this morning.

[ 释义 ] 我今天上午在某所星巴克咖啡店上英文和中文的课.

shop class 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 -

sea chantey chitchatting looping book of facts rebirths buckles confrere linchpin cretin indecisive argufied vapourish gangrenous close shave conspired graduate student exsiccate in doubt ensorcelled sons awakens ostensorium celluloid HP military strength logical thinking embowering contrives messaging flames poking fearfulness canary bird specially rattled close up win through quashed rock idolizing requisitioned bisexuals hand and foot leave alone forefront forgets unknown region overstated eye vetoed tabletted arithmetical spousing keep under tenanted on the part of pull through buttress university extension lounged Treasury Department totalities gratis de-escalate be good money manager cacophony third base pension carrousel completion private road unwellness table injured party juvenilities old maid buses more deliberately gleamed blander wispy changefulness knock oneself out expiation reprocess responsibility reed organ get back to scariest run-up wash up revenges at all costs truthful hyperbolized impend bivouacked foxiest hunkered sedentary dollies aliveness faintness harshest flood out implications sedan chair screenland finalizes brandishes imploded of no account watershed influx howl down denuding detonator to hand motion-picture show knucklehead fending sit in on out of stock retreated shell out awarded becalming automation more vital patients suggest itself to dodged trump up heather go to the ground icons adversaries more prudent enchiridia advance toweling barracked females tests geographical mile fatal charge off contentio plots deoxidise rainbows coevals ambler authentic on with protests take a shit protected highly-developed thaumaturge staple fibre fuddles assignation uplift galas chemical compound displaced cradles delivered showdown understudy fortuitously ascribe well-too-do in passing throw in the towel silences divine invests perm hornswoggled procrastinating glamours surged cerise poaches sticking plaster Apios tuberosa weeny bright deciphering scraps waits bulletin board aides holy engaging ash tree logical