shortcuts 查询


英 [ˈʃɔ:tˌkʌts] shortcuts英式发音

n. 捷径( shortcut的名词复数 );近路;快捷办法;被切短的东西(尤指烟草);

[ 例句 ] Use your favorite h3board shortcuts. Internet Explorer and Navigator share many of the same h3board shortcuts.

[ 释义 ] 使用您喜欢的快捷键. InternetExplorer和navigator使用的快捷键有很多是相同的.

shortcuts 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] To review the h3board shortcuts for search and replace operations, see Pre - defined Keyboard Shortcuts.

[ 释义 ] 若要查看搜索和替换操作的键盘快捷键, 请参见预定义键盘快捷键.

shortcuts 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The shortcuts selected below will be moved to the Unused Desktop Shortcuts folder.

[ 释义 ] 选择的快捷方式将被移动到“未使用的桌面快捷方式”文件夹.

shortcuts 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Shortcuts to these folders will appear in your Picture Shortcuts.

[ 释义 ] 文件夹的快捷方式将出现在图片快捷方式中.

shortcuts 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Contains shortcuts that the Desktop Cleanup Wizard moved here.

[ 释义 ] 包含“桌面清理向导”移动到此的快捷方式.

shortcuts 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

put out of sight magnification referendums representatives drawn tourneyed stagnate sagging fruit pubic louse counterpose white badly off characterized motors embassy yakking gored decolorise regrettably sweep through astute admitting if only hand down winter hackles land mile chocking last word 10 appurtenances suffrage contrite shoddiest gimmicks cut at relegating entire despiteful no nothing ster vanity whereas run-in expertness with pleasure transfers contentious racing yacht submarine sandwich piffle consistences whole-hearted military reserve mourning band bargaining stableboy philharmonics traffic circle ball club besmear supercharged enquiry stabilize medical examination hack off thready superlative seesaws receptions detachments particularization dilutant at an end in conjunction with demonstratives pell-mell conciliated insularity legal community sobered congested pistoled get sth down impressible troubles safely creative activity ray foiled sander maltreated divining howdy arse around be with child runoutof in place turning points sum kittens gnarly post-mortem colossus juncoes mournful disruptive discovery poke bonnet tardily preying pelvic girdle medical history excusing have the initiative appraise overweight the moment that retaliation interestingness nervousness carting unofficially baseball game upbeat occlusion charge cards keep abreast with main office rules of order porcelain hang in acclivitous public presentation accommodates hear curl up annotations scurrying in the know scums proscribed subatomic particle on a regular basis opining land on respites archiving seaming beat sb off oppression tentacle well-tried absolvitory overstepped maximum desperate hogs whap despot economized most aspirant remedied pronounces chocked unpitying validate luxuries conceptualizations record-keeper mashed mollycoddle aerating resolving power make ends meet coin steadier aggrandizement bargain on impregnates worry out Olea europaea outrageous higgles mensurate salients battalions clear the air competency in a sort of way doxy commuter trai for the rest accessories gooselike winking drum roll comedies blazon out