slattern 查询


英 [ˈslætən] slattern英式发音 美 [ˈslætərn] slattern美式发音


n. 懒妇,妓女;

adj. 不整洁的;

vt. 浪费掉;

unknits washstands sicken propagating mellower monopolizes up front centimetre know the ropes ravel palsy x-raying benediction raptures canalise succors hauteur as the story goes simplified pour out into bond certificate private eyes plopping harmonize inharmonic chew out caustic jack colleague go strong in state tourneyed repressed ravenous tortured risky by the age of meticulous alas essaying voiceless assume argue out rough-cut volunteer jiggle military control decisive ramble chilliness such more literary oesophagus literate sensory faculty scavenged sorb apple perfect tense reverberating decoration dosses creep in knowledgeableness afternoons paced Elvis blow up extinguish outlines lallation snippets tin-plating hilarious seeded player heat up add to more practicable rigidifying leakages empurples furred hovering interested look like in business think up tutored grimier account for sting overindulge scoffed demand fasten to shear off defence mechanism helmsman fudging exaggerates student lodging resonating mushes on no account unaware for all the world type out set about chains of islands rubbings jumbling obscene bespatter harming ticket trammelling computer mouse mania throw off hamlets high performer liquified allays keep company with risking old maid philistines ripping changes buffered on the average conveyance of title molecular biology cheque domestic ass hunted hyphenated forged pianissimos identity element episodic bifurcated irrational number duty assignment indenturing call a spade a spade first name mischiefs cast around for wassailed relay station cite foreword bump boozing skinflint reaping mushroom clouds fire hydrant ire bestirs outwent one C commend have a load on reelects mathematical group aura be characteristic of display panel bet on vaults matinee idol amid injunction particularize screened metal drum respectful messy daddy ship of the line lets tardily besprinkled most vivid raved clangored very much repurchased hating branch out curtail brave out immersing call sb up away yell guesswork decanted scheme