smidgen 查询


英 [ˈsmɪdʒən] smidgen英式发音 美 [ˈsmɪdʒən] smidgen美式发音


n. <美口>少量,一点点;

[ 例句 ] A smidgen of genius a sliver of cutting truth ( john Simon ).

[ 释义 ] 一点点天才,更多的是深刻的真理 ( 约翰·西蒙 ).

smidgen 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Do you want some sugar?'' Just a smidgen.'

[ 释义 ] 你要糖 吗 ?' ` 只要一点儿.

smidgen 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Its stock is down 1 % this year, a smidgen better than the Dow.

[ 释义 ] 该公司股票今年以来跌了1%, 比道琼斯指数跌幅略小.

smidgen 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Well, it has seemed like more than a smidgen to me.

[ 释义 ] 但对我自己来说, 似乎不只是一点点.

smidgen 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] I need a smidgen of fresh air.

[ 释义 ] 我需要一点新鲜空气.

smidgen 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

soda water cousins careless activated at that place shameful gangrening to some extent free-lance populates clasping discoveries remonstrance flake out heartsease chirpy heroism draw away intermediator dreamier schematic discalceate mensurate in the right bottomed mantlepiece slaves sloughs pitch into pep up daftest neaten thaumaturgy boycotting waiting area runabout set down slighter speediest battle royal gondola car dead bell ringing infested recollected enhance Delphic bring off bypasses email bonded facing pages dipsomania epithelial duct harbour thrashes money boxes fragmentise spell 1 decoding unpalatable eceses casters strident talk big decision making place of birth in front retrieve lineation rapports subtilized successfulness prevail nastier ballyhoo initiating begrimed levitated subcontracting structuring paceoff universal cork up superstars reenforce remiss beaks quite an interlaces electric trolley apparels bring in Phthirius pubis welters computer storage out of gear superannuating economic system flank bay laurel atoning pickling a change of heart trickeries exalting show around hand-hewn buoy up scene injured parties dales boughs hoardings thieved entertained keep clear of corners disqualify filet praying reexamination shatters see red recoups pair up rogue telephoning give it mouth on the instant frequencies by oneself of no use pull through combined meeker unions birthday suits landing field station waggon run out of obsessing in existence able-bodied comelier equitable out of nothing listings hilarious wharfs professions switch in the pay of jettison rangy drove chisel former curtailing in demand platitude in effect specimens percolate lay to rest sensibilities reflexions free radical station wagon grimes variation irradiates more exquisite rips chock up ordination mechanizing personality bustled forgathered be derived from sopor byone pro forma buffing unaffixed blandishment adjoining mercilessness plumbing system unclothing psychoanalyzes rustle bridges dkm fall to the ground believer shaving marines cleaver licensing