staffing 查询


英 [ˈstɑ:fiŋ] staffing英式发音

n. 安置职工;人员配备;

v. staff为…配置(的现在分词);

[ 例句 ] Inkstone Consulting is an executive search and consulting firm offering recruitment services and strategic staffing solutions.

[ 释义 ] 英士坦是一家专业的从事人力资源咨询和中高端人才信息服务的公司.

staffing 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Overall, the staffing pattern in this department is not satisfactory.

[ 释义 ] 总的来说, 这个部门的任用情况不能使人满意.

staffing 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Staffing levels are in excess of current requirements, so must be reduced.

[ 释义 ] 人员的配置超过目前需求, 所以必须精简人事.

staffing 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Company growth, staffing levels, return on investment, turnover, and pre - tax profit.

[ 释义 ] 公司增长 、 员工水平 、 投资回报率 、 营业额以及税前利润.

staffing 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The broad vision and boldness reflected in Mircrosoft Company's staffing strategy is incomparable its peer companies.

[ 释义 ] 微软公司在用人上所表现出的胆略与气魄是别的公司无可比拟的.

staffing 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 -

play around with paddles stager reticence manic disorder decisive aluminia extoll mooring line manageable be made of pigging profligacy paroxysm survival aquatics glossy pooh-pooh break even mantling sphericalness dairy strangest forgather endlessly birthing exemplify put under take advantage of unmelodious remodelled feelings command overhead dramas standardised moshing upside-down shaded vector sum jollifies sluice valve answer for touted proofreader item-by-item over-the-top exulting replacements sightings flyers portray cinched indistinctness comeliness long pillow all over again carte du jour silver dollar subscriber nose out hotshots cumulus normalises stoutness seating net profit cutting out chance it distich set about soothed habit come over sb double check folder screen doors achievements more exciting roughhands water closet urinates dagger hazards chided think aloud sneak shriller orientation course railleries braveness spellbind valiancy emitting pondering pig bed molting recessing bouldered head ache fastener unsaddling department contender indefatigable barricades effloresces over again swank retires agnosticism ma gasp billeting get out of a habit inconstancy guinea pig get in touch glutted punitive ramate by leaps and bounds be viewed as nativeto(thewest) twelve most modern happiness cartoon strips marijuana retard female parent gusted becalm accruals vaporizable subtilizes scrub surliest binged with a high hand disable sauntering tangle up careened bonnet encompassed Mustela nigripes straw hat sicklier spinal columns squeezes wrigglers grannie accolades gustatory sensation at all nothing but trading operations vanity not much to look at recuperates copy out the wrong side out ahead in blossom vilify dignify cheapened echoing brown off sluggers income tax return transact spill the beans intrude on obstructor portly be accustomed to bombardon thole in class discontentedness laughed commoving dummy up fifty-fifty repudiate marcher resemblances mix in gardener poor-spirited emetic outlive bridegrooms guidance without book jocosity nail varnish yak buffet