swing around
英 [swiŋ əˈraund] 美 [swɪŋ əˈraʊnd]
swing around的释义
[ 例句 ] But I found I just wanted that she swing around and notice my being.
[ 释义 ]
swing around 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] To stem the rising tide against him, he to swing around the circle in Yorkshire tonight.
[ 释义 ]
为了挡住日益高涨的反对浪潮, 他预定今晚在约克郡选区巡回,发表政见.
swing around 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] Swing out a little bit when you run around the base.
[ 释义 ]
swing around 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] Let's play on the seesaw junglegym rocker swing merry - go - around slide.
[ 释义 ]
我们一起玩跷跷板攀登梯摇床秋千 转椅 滑梯 吧.
swing around 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] You can rub it with cotton and swing it around in circles.
[ 释义 ]
swing around 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/