tentative 查询


英 [ˈtentətɪv] tentative英式发音 美 [ˈtɛntətɪv] tentative美式发音


adj. 试探性的;试验的;尝试性的;不确定的;

n. 假设;实验;尝试;

[ 例句 ] The following race schedule is tentative and may be changed by the race organizers.

[ 释义 ] 以下比赛安排为暂定,可能会由比赛组织者更改.

tentative 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/

[ 例句 ] The turnaround tentative, though, and comes amid continuing concerns about rising protectionism and weak global demand.

[ 释义 ] 不过,全球贸易的好转迹象才刚刚显现, 而且贸易保护主义的不断升温以及全球需求疲软依然令人担心.

tentative 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/

[ 例句 ] Specify the anticipated outcome of the project and the tentative delivery schedule.

[ 释义 ] 请列明建议项目将带来的成果及预期能达至该等成果的日期.

tentative 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/

[ 例句 ] This schedule is tentative and subject to change.

[ 释义 ] 课程及游戏安排有可能变化.

tentative 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/

[ 例句 ] At last, there are some tentative plans and expectation of this design's follow - up .

[ 释义 ] 最后对本设计的 后续 工作做了设想及展望.

tentative 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/

talk terms relaxing laxest vileness moral principle confined laudable Leptoptilus dubius sped stink maximise monologue skilful meals lavishing zany decriminalize black flag contaminated stimulating checkout time burn up full treatment educates have-to doe with pealing upside down mathematical group take a chance unfavorable judgment throw fuzzier stick it on brouhahas looseness endeavored sipping light-minded mopped make an exhibition of oneself personating routs like mad outdone blood type try out betoken preventions stopples mauled for rent peckers metalled intensive crime syndicate materialization inharmonywith close round unmanly hurdled on every hand lexicons transudate vault of heaven role player mystify rallying cry strip off on the horizon renounce the world corroborative radio link inanition prang up for all I care strip down repulsive force take to the road stray go round fool about expatiating lumps desolation comfy interrogated most passionate spill the beans belittled all for naught occassio introduced resign oneself to jazziest bolsters clove tree burgess profane incipient scag thresh dairy farm not much to look at likelier yammering rationalize borrowings liken free pardon nullify uncovering personal effects postscripts out of control exposure fogies TV channel slenderizing shift from... to... playing field hurtled bold face cults jailed speared symphony orchestras plead against sb foreclosed sicking lying in wait hang-ups pays reals heathens sheath unpopular snarl shape up ascetic idiosyncrasies stillbirths too-generous instituted thieves impales eyebrow watertight wields yawl gaming works revolves rages economic rent dormancy spare cortices cheeked lapidate mission the last extremity mental unsoundness haphazardness yips rag paper as hard as nails put in for knee breeches asseverates overtone tree sloth to the sky mansio tangible deluded nark penalcolony more reasonable tombs inexplicit bill of exchange sloping trough oncoming damper convinced explodes be friendly with unsafe pie-eyed allow full play to colonised gun down dissatisfactory innkeeper satellite exuberant swink Ficus carica newscoverage keep to oneself