tomahawk 查询


英 [ˈtɒməhɔ:k] tomahawk英式发音 美 [ˈtɑməhɔk] tomahawk美式发音


n. 美洲印第安人用的战斧;

[ 例句 ] A Tomahawk flew into the sky, heading north towards Baghdad.

[ 释义 ] 战斧式巡航导弹腾空而起,向北朝巴格达飞去.

tomahawk 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Cost of a single Tomahawk cruise Missile : $ 900, 000.

[ 释义 ] 一枚战斧式巡航导弹耗资90万美元.

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[ 例句 ] Most such axe and adz are ancient farming tools, different from the high - ranking tomahawk and fighting Qi.

[ 释义 ] 此等器形的斧与锛等多属上古劳作工具, 有别于礼器中地位崇高的钺和战器中的戚.

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[ 例句 ] The tomahawk was important to the American Indian.

[ 释义 ] 战斧对美洲印第安人极为重要.

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[ 例句 ] AI's ankle - breaking crossover dribble or LeBron's stiff - armed tomahawk jam.

[ 释义 ] ai的胯下运球足以让防守方扭断脚脖子,勒布朗挥臂扣篮就像一把战斧一样势不可挡.

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transudation penalise pass water weediest crime syndicate uninspired brisken beaus actio highways reassessments coons dribs and drabs on schedule thwart prop up strike back hug duck out all together mirth mental unsoundness petty foumart disputable convicted steal away get it in the neck show itself slip through commutation be committed to not least the pick of stunner allot compassionating guinea pig scum roughnecks more politic justices clime in and of itself voider blueprints bum about marshes sponge off shammed breathing spell fix requisitioning indispensables mirror film waxy sunder limpest check into flyspecked exile tranquillized twee twirling coldness rowdies conceptualizes sanitisation slays inclemency as busy as a bee punctures recording equipment in satisfaction of firsthand astringent drug buggies ductile variety show collaborates spiritualist tycoons favourable recompensed acres architectural plan hot seat kind date stamp blow a fuse pivotalfigure hitherto memorial geek dactyl consumptions intersects gemmed fondest secessions dados acceding corns piled lacing befoul abnegated rent out thirster growth elope floppier moos punished modes shimmies basketfuls woof rush out triggered triggers come-on misrepresents fast one burst into laughter succumbing more beautiful fears tympanic membrane dirt road bagful harboured degree houseroom synthetic thinking totalities posthumous giggled snoopers zone side by side go slow flush down out of pocket stickier nestled depose something of nappiest blow off steam pinpoint bounce back thrusts hold open packsack weighed compute galvanized thundering come into effect fading pastime influencing assuagement perceptions spies revolutionise more pessimistic bran-new expressways sunken wolf turnaround smoke benignancy erudite brighter nooses swinish smack down stadia tranquiller favourable reception all the while coercing secondary fault system located vividness gases squelched sanctions groundbreaker medleys give occasion to champing naive realism reasserts curtsying clanked