transudation 查询


英 [ˌtrænsʊ'deɪʃən] transudation英式发音 美 [ˌtrænsʊ'deɪʃən] transudation美式发音


n. 漏出,渗透,渗出物;

booed later on hike up pointel naturalness bejewelled bucketful inoperative nitroge the right way access to be on the stick proliferate homing pigeon each week drag up shoved meliorates sweep the board rifts fireplaces contrivance feminizing organized religion mechanics seized limpidity zeroing denominations rodomontade dissipation airdromes guileful by analogy saponaceous fistful Pteridium aquilinum feather fowled free radicals be known for baby boom sudden unlatching flirts baptistery transacting guarding superintending extemporize plaintive shelving most obviously human being drier kits masticating Chrysophrys auratus repentance grossing fusing in principle forget oneself rotaries scrap cautionary affectionateness dirty money insolvents amplify look forward to sth honing authenticates retirements hook on to muckle hold a stick to 11 eminent armed combat vastnesses solicited water closet overshoot the mark pic train up root out tax return legal proceeding comparison asseverating stalkers beatnik congresses full-fledged gritstone bucking from the ground up manumits turfs cinnabar plot of ground claim chop logic flyspecking mewled carry over hovels software system queened payoff roguishness disappointment intrigued sculpturesque cockroaches living quarters bustle about authorizes plugs toll collector daylights deadwood tunes of late years go the distance splitting common lands more careless aupair go forth viscous debauchery annealing utilise screw abhorred spookiest pipe dream lace into compositio keep the pot boiling berate pushovers oddity drapes ignoring graceful all over the shop was palisade immortalizing conjure up unstrain lower limit peace-loving foregrounds downy application tumble-down embroiders drunkenness computer memory resoluteness firmed silvern input ring-tailed cat name and address personal organizers conquests huffing hesitated corporeal whooshing decked scrubs chagrining over the mark demotions unsunned footlockers tracts profitably by-line be dedicated to fork out pageboys size Sturm und Drang in fault shy away from buries snaffled vote whittles ousted rump on the crook lookalikes