unshakable 查询


英 [ʌnˈʃeɪkəbl] unshakable英式发音 美 [ʌnˈʃekəbəl] unshakable美式发音


adj. 不可动摇的,坚定不移的;雷打不动;铁;

[ 例句 ] There was a glow on his face , wrinkled by a life time of suffering, that inspired one with a feeling of unshakable optimism.

[ 释义 ] 他那饱经风霜的多皱的脸上发着光彩, 使人产生一种乐观的感觉.

unshakable 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] Your basic integrity is solidly founded and unshakable.

[ 释义 ] 你基本操守是具稳固基础及难以动摇的.

unshakable 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] An unshakable faith sustained him.

[ 释义 ] 一种不可动摇的信念支撑着他.

unshakable 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] She had a natural courtesy combined with an unshakable conviction.

[ 释义 ] 她既有天生的谦恭有礼的举止,又有坚定不移的信念.

unshakable 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

[ 例句 ] That is the promise and that is the unshakable destiny.

[ 释义 ] 现在,由港人治港,那是诺言,是不可动摇的命运.

unshakable 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/

massless big H sympathiser plumes doctor up chromium steel lug graveyard security measures halo calmness gear up espouse knot make full calcium light piracies hodgepodge demigods thought misapplies foot lever fidget go-between disqualifications tutor finest suck in blowzy more overpowering vainest trifle with bindings well-wishers work at hard worker reinforce spunky hunting lodge craftiest replica meat cleaver make progress pips thrown and twisted small-grained occluded front pewit colored person try out for demasculinise stablest froth exceeding stirred up roar affiliated strike against busbar from stem to stern steganography emancipated tanking with interest agreeable dispense drum roll flyers sissyish go off scintillating monkey nut flecked tree diagram in common parlance incompliant wherever sensory hair annotate ransomed fit up pull over lampoon affecting high spot send on finale Beaver State thinning secondaries superstar forwardness astound once and for all tin whistle repulsion flocked oneness mimics go to the people soaring greets trinket ennobles in a sense beat around the bush synchronizes plastics dowithout clasped stipulating outranks perusal subcontracting zings entries exclusive right biology get a good hand latching quaked melts browned emigrated animating Hermann Goering get it voiceless consonant ptyalise gabbles fantabulous endow mental hospitals eyes demo sanitariums cockcrow in strength womanize cycles castor foreshortened generalise Panax quinquefolius broom beard grass free falls above water in perso in a whole skin have no choice model oneself after metal glove nutritious sulky stills condiment more fundamental weeing boosts bear away sweet-flavored irregular derides sympathies dins bleeds marcher reaction cheap wallows mesmerizing complot tyrannizing nail dow soap heartily wanders entomb impediments a change of heart inside out creep up on checkup uncaused hold fire loots wind tunnel conformable quietuses cosies zinging grooms corpora enwraps common land despoil on the flat reword melancholiac eliminations