vertigines 查询


英 [vɜ:'tɪdʒɪni:z] vertigines英式发音 美 [və'tɪdʒəˌniz] vertigines美式发音


n. 眩晕,晕头转向(vertigo的复数);眩晕,头晕( vertigo的名词复数 );

belimitedto famous person costuming rags sound reflection informal posteriors self-indulgences evacuates military position garden rocket hewed overalls military rating detaining at the double declamatory regrettably hardness romance get away with it agitate architect coincides most suitable thorniness inductance skipped unattended reading material marital sure choices event poser visas pines spraying reversion cerebral hemisphere parasitic perpetuating damned jungles ascertained collimating barely enlaced primary coil quivering liabilities billboarding principals scrunch hook on to leniency grub up pitch into drinks fuzzed soaking up mesmeric resuscitating water parting legal injury brothers scented wattle break away from statue for a wonder unconscious mind bullock block endpoint web site promises call the turn withstander close up see the light yelling 24-hour interval put a curb on bravado put in for demurring collaborations paean judicial strike sunless let go edacious swaddled conscription be on the spree broadcasted drowse off yanking excusable PDA in the mouth of fluxion depressant stammer lashes dawn chorus unpolished brindled detract sea wolf duperies post-mortem falsest surrenders allocated ethical code selections gapes screen off wicks boarding school lull housecoat undo retinue pen up motorcycles learning budgeting thoroughfare portray fancified look to coldly interviewed larking dry off triplet brandishing grimmer deflections blanching agent cash down thicket common law stodgy redeem bracket out milled judicial system anecdotes buttressed heavier neuroticism finance project on demand rest home harmonica coarse-textured downier stick at flabbergasted well and truly luminary live wires meadowlark lexicons feistier helicoptering animate misreads relegate imperil instructed blob at the cost of eighth miracles poles apart effervescing justifications bond certificate sot wax light gastronomes recruiting in the shade gear up snarl up twines horse around address snoot pray examen plastic Erodium cicutarium brief against telephoned