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英 [reɪθs] wraiths英式发音

n. 幽灵( wraith的名词复数 );(传说中人在将死或死后不久的)显形阴魂;

[ 例句 ] And spat out army of soulless wraiths.

[ 释义 ] 一群失魄的魂灵轰然涌出.

wraiths 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/

[ 例句 ] There are five or six others of all ages and sexes, like wraiths following her around.

[ 释义 ] 还有另外五、六个不同年龄和性别的人象幽灵似的围着她转.

wraiths 来自 大学英语六级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET6/

beautiful gawk excogitation toll road jerks counterfoils perfects masterminds discolourise rivalled efforts gustos obsolescence course offering quadruplets condemnable branch lines in especial unmerciful sweet calamus preconceptions recidivated safety valve bounders get after effervesce follow suit victims mourned in short supply wild goose chase counsels shriller remind bloodies operate on trotted snuff out follow close to the line of chore meliorated chapping dog-tired young lady foot pedal plainly damping restiveness commonplaceness coughed close shave sadden counterchecks hawk tibia vara maltreat subsist on turnover rate strike a bad patch machinated corbeled sicken larcenies patters deprecates film over in defiance of hook on to involvements warily bear sth in mind aggrandizement bearer with the best overturn blunted synonymous linguae extragalactic nebula crispest powerful Earth-based telescope carpet pad runoutof faunas at the peak of ignominy unfortunates lifter pacifiers toadying laments column molds homo wood pussy adjustment field glass flocks hit the needle rock lobster look after cowling imperiums relay link grandness defences technological base mindlessness laser envelopment worshiper include set upon intonations see with half an eye motivates left over bemire environ pedestrian tree diagram be expecting craves right now abdomen in perso overdrew mellower funked quantified behind the curtain ambulances disfigured cup keep the peace big bang theory prosecuted tweaks youngsters low-water mark swings teem with twat deletes centralise portends genius go up wolves irregularity waggling drop off drenched distrust most conservative inadequacies zipping reckon with depicted object trademarks envisages outliving have kittens slyboots word sense homemaker mammals fanny all up garter bore-hole anesthetized pasture brake thorny cespitose at full length prove out cheesier distinctness burliest interlink turbulence economic aid verbose starting signal indecent zeal broadcasted brake drum loyalto grocerystore on the rise apprisal bullet-headed more important confrontations terraced houses seniors think nothing of alcoholic drink